Kenny Rivaldi

Blockchain enthusiast, founder, writer, developer, designer, and lifelong learner.

Kenny Rivaldi

Blockchain enthusiast, founder, writer, developer, designer, and lifelong learner.

Connect with Kenny

Life is a journey of continuous learning.

Kenny’s journey has been a continuous learning experience, marked by dynamic phases of growth and exploration. It all began with The Equator, a platform he created for Indonesian writers. Over time, this endeavor evolved into a thriving community, boasting over 100 writers and resonating with thousands of readers monthly—a lesson in the power of community engagement.

Transitioning into website development, he founded Terracode, steering the ship through collaborations with 40+ clients across 17 countries. These three years at Terracode were more than just professional growth; they served as a classroom for Kenny’s expanding knowledge and skill set.

The next chapter of his learning journey unfolded as he delved into the captivating realm of blockchain technology. This interest propelled him to ICP.Hub Indonesia, where he now serves as the Learning & Development Manager. Here, he actively contributes to the education and growth of Indonesian developers venturing into the intricate landscape of Web3—a new chapter in technological literacy.

But the narrative doesn’t stop there. In the spirit of perpetual learning and community building, hefounded Codefest Indonesia. This initiative not only showcases his passion for coding but also acts as a vibrant classroom, bringing together a community of over a thousand members, each contributing to the collective learning experience.